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The Randolph Women's Club hosts regular community events that are enjoyed by thousands throughout the year. Our Club members have adopted the 3 A’s that were lived by the Ladies’ Library Association:


Achievements of the Past

Aims of the Present

Anticipation of the future

to which we look forward to prayerfully.

Second to none, but in name we stand.

Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand

Bonded to work for the common good.



Each year, as the founding headmaster of the Boston Arts Academy (BAA), an urban high school that boasts a 94 percent college acceptance rate, Linda Nathan made a promise to the incoming freshmen: “All of you will graduate from high school and go on to college or a career.” After fourteen years at the helm, Nathan stepped down and took stock of her alumni: of those who went to college, a third dropped out. Feeling like she failed to fulfill her promise, Nathan reflected on ideas she and others have perpetuated about education: that college is for all, that hard work and determination are enough to get you through, that America is a land of equality.

In When Grit Isn’t Enough, Nathan investigates five assumptions that inform our ideas about education today, revealing how these beliefs mask systemic inequity. Seeing a rift between these false promises and the lived experiences of her students, she argues that it is time for educators to face these uncomfortable issues head-on and explores how educators can better serve all students, increase college retention rates, and develop alternatives to college that don’t disadvantage students on the basis of race or income.

Drawing on the voices of BAA alumni whose stories provide a window through which to view urban education today, When Grit Isn’t Enough helps imagine greater purposes for schooling.

Upcoming Events Posted on  Calendar

Mark Your Calendars


 Authors Talk: Milady Auguste and ​

Danielle Legros Georges

September 6, 2024


Membership Meeting

September 2024 (TBD)


Authors Talk Series: Bonnie Jo Campbell

October 10, 2024


Fannie Lou Hamer Tribute

Breast Cancer Awareness Event

October 18, 2024


Authors Talk Series: Neema Avashia

November 2, 2024


International Women's Day  

March 9, 2025


Randolph Women's Club

Strawberry Festival & JBH Tour

July 3, 2025







Yearly Events

Holiday Luncheon

An annual club member event to celebrate the holidays.

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International Women's Day

An annual celebration during month of March  honoring the achievements of women around the globe. 2019's celebration marked the 100th anniversary of women's right to vote in America.

Strawberry Shortcake Festival and JBH Tour

We hold this event each year on the 3rd of July. Enjoy this event before the Night Before the 4th Parade!

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